Daring To Be Danish


Well, it seems to be the time to let the not-so-secret secret be known... I will be heading to Denmark in August and calling Copenhagen home while I explore the world and myself :)

I am sure there are questions many have about this decision so I have decided to answer them all in one place.

- Why would you leave your family, job and life?

Well, this is something that I have thought about doing for years but finally got the courage to pursue. I have decided to take some time to find myself while exploring things I have yet to expierence.

- Why Denmark?

It is no secret that I love Denmark and the people, especially the ones who are family now. I will be staying with Mette (sister/former Au Pair), Jacob (brother-in-law/poor guy who is stuck with me) and their two adorable children at their home in Copenhagen.

- But what about your job and what will you do for money?

Great question and the answer is really, I don't know but that's what is exciting. I love what I do, it truly is a dream job managing a clothing brand and to be honest I think I'm not half bad at it either. After the passing of my grandfather, who stressed to me dozens of times in his last weeks that I should be "taking better care of myself" and should "stop working so hard", I realized that life will only get more hectic as time goes on. THIS is the time in my life and career where I can do something crazy like this. I CAN be selfish with my choices and life before I eventually start a family and can not be. As for money, I am hoping to find some freelance positions while I am over there to help offset some travel expenses without draining my bank account completely.

- What exactly will you be doing in Denmark?

Another great question with a not really sure answer. I will be helping out, as we always joked about, as my Au Pair's Au Pair. I am really thankful that I not only have a place to live thanks to this opportunity but I will also learn an international view on the industry I love so much. Both Mette and Jacob work for big name company's in the industry so I will be able to pick their brains and learn tips over the dinner table.

- So you are only going to be in Denmark?

Nope! That is the best part of this whole deal. Copenhagen is home base and where I will spend the majority of my time but I also plan on taking a trip somewhere every few weeks. These trips will be alone, with hopeful new friends and meeting existing family or friends in new places. If you have any must see places please share! I have a few places in mind but I am always looking for suggestions.

- Do you even speak Danish?

I mean if you count a few pleasantries, curse words and a nursery rhyme as speaking the language then yes. I am trying to become as fluent as possible before I get there (even though they speak English I want to do this the right way and the kids do not speak English) and I obviously will learn more once I am surrounded by it.

- Are you coming back?

YES! This is the one question I get asked over and over and over. I am NOT getting a Visa so I will only be traveling for 90 days. I mean, I couldn't miss a Lipman Thanksgiving...

I think that answers the majority of questions but I am sure more will come up as more people find out about this journey.

This blog is where I will be sharing my expierences, travels and thoughts about living in a new world and for the first time out of my comfort zone. Stay tuned and check back to join me in my journeys :)

Days till the big take off: 55

Danish lessons taken: .5